When I was twelve, I had to pick a biblical verse to write an essay on. After reading what seemed like endless amounts of verses that didn't seem applicable to me, I found Micah. The prophet Micah seemed to want what most of us want. For those around him to love each other, be fair to one another and to walk humbly with their God. He was for social justice. And so was I. Instant connection.
Fast forward about 15 years. We were looking to name our son and wanted something that was like Michael, but not Michael.
When he was born, and on his first birthday, I read my favorite verse to him. Perhaps the only one I really know. "he will judge between many peoples and arbitrate for many nations far away. then they will hammer their swords into plow-blades and their spears into pruning-knives; nations will not raise swords at each other, and they will no longer learn war." -micah 4.3
I will read it again tomorrow to him. And the birthday after that, and after that. Even when he is old enough to roll his eyes, or hang up the phone... And hope that one day he will see the power that this name has. A peace maker. A world changer.
Happy birthday, world changer.

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